Add a Calendar Keeper Role to your Campaign Team

Years ago I created a game-changing role that proved to keep us even more organized: the Calendar Keeper. Why this role, you might wonder? Well, in our quest to maximize visibility and engagement for our candidates, ensuring their presence at a myriad of public events while also making sure our campaign events weren’t in conflict was crucial.

This role is a gem for a supporter who's keen to contribute but strapped for time. And yes, a little love for Facebook goes a long way here. The Calendar Keeper's mission was multifaceted yet straightforward:

  1. They maintained a Google Calendar, our team's North Star for all things schedule.
  2. Their digital foray included subscribing to every town and club newsletter, becoming the biggest fan of local Facebook pages and Instagram accounts, and joining every community group imaginable.
  3. Armed with this treasure trove of information, they filtered through to pinpoint events, dutifully adding them to our shared calendar.
  4. But their role didn’t stop there; they also included our campaign events, peppered with crucial election milestones, like early voting dates and ballot request deadlines.
  5. The beauty of this role lies in its simplicity yet profound impact on our organizational prowess. It's a testament to the fact that in the bustling ecosystem of a campaign, every role, no matter how small it may seem, contributes to the larger goal of engaging with the community and paving the path to election day.